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Boris Johnson ill

Is Boris Johnson still ill? PHOTOS show rapid deterioration

Is Boris Johnson still ill? We’ve gathered a few images from Boris Johnson’s coronavirus press briefings over the past six months and his most recent. They show a very rapid and worrying deterioration of his appearance. 

Is Boris Johnson still sick with COVID-19? Perhaps he has what we call ‘long COVID’ or maybe Boris Johnson is ill will another ailment because that rapid change in appearance over such a short amount of time does not appear normal.

All the photos are taken in same place and with the same lighting, yet the difference is striking. He appears to have gained some weight, noticeable eye bags have formed, and he just looks generally tired and sickly.

In March 2020, he tested positive for COVID-19 and was admitted to hospital with severe symptoms. He admitted himself that it could have gone either way and that he could have died. Perhaps this is just an example of how dangerous this virus is for some people and that the effects are long-lasting.

On the other hand, it could simply be the stress of running the country through this unprecedented time. Undoubtedly, he holds one the most stressful jobs and he gets the full brunt of the blame for anything that goes wrong with the pandemic. 

Here’s the bottom line:

The mainstream media show no mercy towards conservative politicians, maybe his deterioration is the result of a biased news media that will not give him break. When anything goes right, he gets no credit, but when anything goes wrong, he’s the first in the firing line. 

Are the media slowly killing the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom? Perhaps the stress has worn him down? Stress has been proven to severely affect physical health. It’s a miracle that Trump left office looking as well as he did considering the unrelenting 4-year assault from the media.

Either way, Boris Johnson looks ill, and it seems to be progressively getting worse. We’ve brought the photos, you be the judge, is Boris Johnson ill?

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By Richard AhernLifeLine Media

Contact: [email protected]


1) Covid-19 vaccine achievement ‘no moment to relax’, Boris Johnson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OhSJIhgOuyE

2) Long COVID ‘May Be Four Syndromes’ https://www.webmd.com/lung/news/20201016/long-covid-may-be-four-syndromes

3) Boris Johnson Tests Positive for COVID-19 https://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/927615

4) U.K.’s Boris Johnson says doctors prepared to announce his death as he fought COVID-19 https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/u-k-s-boris-johnson-says-doctors-prepared-announce-his-n1198871

5) The impact of stress on body function: A review https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5579396/

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