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UN Security Council REJECTS US-Proposed Ceasefire: A Dramatic Shift in Washington’s Stance

UN Security Council REJECTS US-Proposed Ceasefire: A Dramatic Shift in Washington’s Stance

In a surprising turn of events on Friday, the United Nations Security Council failed to adopt a US-proposed resolution for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. Russia and China vetoed the measure, marking a significant shift in Washington’s approach towards Israel.

Historically, the US has shown reluctance towards using the term “ceasefire” and has vetoed measures that have included calls for one. However, this recent draft resolution did not explicitly demand that Israel end its campaign in Gaza.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that Israel would proceed with attacks on Hamas in Rafah irrespective of US support. This decision is met with opposition from the Biden Administration which has been ramping up public pressure on Israel.

The Democratic Party and Biden Administration initially backed Israel’s self-defensive war following the Hamas terror attack on October 7th. However, their stance seems to have shifted recently.

SENIOR CITIZEN Soars Skyward: Security Shutter in Wales Store Lifts Woman Off Ground

SENIOR CITIZEN Soars Skyward: Security Shutter in Wales Store Lifts Woman Off Ground

In an unusual turn of events, Anne Hughes, a 71-year-old woman, found herself lifted off the ground when her coat became entangled with a security shutter outside a store in Wales.

Hughes, who works as a cleaner at the Best One shop near Cardiff, was caught off guard when her coat snagged and she was hoisted into the air. “I thought “flipping heck!”” said Hughes. A quick-thinking colleague came to her aid and helped her down after she spent 12 seconds suspended mid-air.

Despite the odd incident, Hughes managed to retain her sense of humor about it all. She expressed relief that she hadn’t landed face-first and even joked that such an event could only happen to her.

The store seized this unexpected opportunity by using the footage for online promotion with a humorous caption about their deals and staff members’ antics. The video clip was shared on social media platform X with this playful tagline: "Don’t hang about like Ann, come down to Best One for unbeatable deals! The only thing going up in our shop is our staff — not our prices!

UK’s TERRORIST FUGITIVE Captured: Government Faces Harsh Criticism Over Security Blunder

Ex-British soldier, Daniel Abed Khalife, was apprehended on Saturday after evading authorities for four days. Facing terrorism charges, Khalife managed to escape Wandsworth Prison by fastening himself under a catering truck.

Khalife was set to stand trial for breaching Britain’s Official Secrets Act and planting decoy explosives at a military base. His daring escape has ignited a wave of criticism against the UK’s ruling Conservative Party, tying the incident to prolonged financial cutbacks.

An independent probe will be launched to uncover how Khalife slipped through the security net of the medium-security prison. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak pledged that this inquiry would shed light on how such a significant security lapse transpired.

The jailbreak prompted heightened security measures at key transport locations and even led to a temporary closure of a major highway. The government’s response has sparked serious concerns about national security in the United Kingdom.

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DEMOCRATS BLOCK Border Security Funding, Spark Outrage

House Republicans proposed a bill to increase funding for border security, but it was blocked by Democrats. The bill aimed to allocate additional resources for border patrol agents and technology. This move has sparked outrage among conservative lawmakers who argue that securing the border is a top priority.

“It’s disappointing that our colleagues across the aisle don’t see the urgency in protecting our nation’s borders,” said Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH). He emphasized that increased funding is essential to combat illegal immigration and drug trafficking.

Democrats argued that the proposed bill lacked comprehensive immigration reform measures, which they believe are necessary for any effective solution. They also raised concerns about the potential impact on asylum seekers and humanitarian efforts at the border.

The debate over border security continues to be a contentious issue in Congress, with both sides standing firm on their positions. As this stalemate persists, many Americans remain concerned about national security and immigration policies.