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Triple Mutant COVID-19

COVID-19: New TRIPLE MUTANT Variant JUST Detected in Yorkshire

Triple mutant COVID-19

21 May 2021 | By Richard Ahern – Double mutant variants were devastating (just ask India), but now we are looking at a triple mutant variant in the United Kingdom.

Health officials are frantically investigating a ‘triple mutant’ COVID-19 variant detected in Yorkshire, UK. The new variant called VUI-21MAY-01 or AV.1 has a “strange combination of mutations” that have not been seen before.

At present 49 cases have been detected in the area but officials say “please don’t be alarmed.”

The recent surge in coronavirus cases and deaths in India was caused by a ‘double mutant’, called B.1.617 which had mutated in two different areas of the virus molecule. The double mutant is thought to have been the primary cause of India’s second wave.

The location of the mutations is extremely important, if a mutation occurs on the area known as the spike protein, then that could make the virus resistant to vaccines. The spike protein of the virus is the primary target for the immune system which is why all the current COVID-19 vaccines use the spike protein to train the body for immunity. If a significant mutation occurs on the spike protein, then the vaccine will no longer work!

Viruses mutate all the time; it is a very common occurrence which is why there is a new flu jab every year. Mutations are purely random and very often have little or no effect on virality (transmission rate), lethality (death rate) or immunity.

The new triple mutant variant detected in Yorkshire has three mutations, which has not been seen before, but it is the location that matters. Health officials are investigating where the mutations have taken place; if they are not on the spike protein, it is nothing to worry about.

The primary concern of the health officials is if one or more of those three mutations has significantly altered the spike protein. They are also trying to determine if any of the three mutations affects virality or lethality.

So far, very little is known but we will keep you updated at LifeLine Media.

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Iota Variant: VACCINE-RESISTANT Variant NO ONE Talks About!?

Iota variant vaccine resistant

FACT-CHECK GUARANTEE (References): [Peer-reviewed research papers: 2 sources] [Government websites: 1 source]

25 August 2021 | By Richard Ahern – As governments push vaccines harder and harder, no one is talking about a new variant that may render vaccines rather useless. 

We’ve all heard of the delta variant, but have you heard of the iota variant?

The iota variant, also known as B.1.526, was first detected in New York and is only listed as a “variant of interest” by the CDC, despite it possibly being the most concerning of all.

Perhaps in the hope of not discouraging vaccine uptake, the media have not mentioned much about this specific variant.

The iota variant has a signature mutation known as E484K, which is a mutation that significantly neutralizes the effectiveness of antibodies and therefore, potentially, vaccines.

According to the CDC, the iota variant has a “Reduced susceptibility to the combination of bamlanivimab and etesevimab monoclonal antibody treatment”. The fact that this variant is resistant to a combination of monoclonal antibodies makes it particularly concerning.

So, how does this relate to vaccines?

This affects vaccine effectiveness because vaccines train our bodies to produce antibodies that attack COVID-19; if the variant is resistant to monoclonal antibodies, then it’s likely to be resistant to antibodies produced from vaccination as well.

The authors of a recent report published in the scientific journal Nature described the iota variant’s resistance as “alarming”.

Nevertheless, the CDC has not listed iota as a “variant of concern”, yet. Strangely, they seem more concerned about variants with increased transmission ability rather than ones that may be vaccine-resistant.

The reason for the so-called ‘hush-hush’ over iota could be because the government doesn’t want to discourage people from getting the vaccine.

Would you take the vaccine if it wasn’t effective against this new strain? 

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Vaccine Push: JAW-DROPPING News from the UK Vaccines Minister

Vaccine passport uk

FACT-CHECK GUARANTEE (References): [Government website: 1 source] [Academic website: 1 source] [Straight from the source: 3 sources] 

07 September 2021 | By Richard Ahern – Vaccines minister Nadhim Zahawi, announced that the UK will introduce vaccine passports for all large English venues, will mandate vaccines for health workers, and push vaccines on young teens.

In an attempt to prevent another lockdown, the UK government said the time has come to introduce certificates of vaccination to all over-18’s in order to attend large indoor events.

By the end of September, once everyone has had the opportunity to be fully vaccinated in the UK, the divisive policy will take effect.

Zahawi claims that the use of passports will help hospitality industries stay open. He insisted it was “the right thing to do” because large groups of people in close proximity “could end up causing a real spike in infections”.

A complete U-turn…

Earlier in the year, the minister described vaccine passports as “discriminatory”, but he’s clearly had a change of heart and now feels discrimination is necessary.

Many politicians have criticized the move, including the leader of the Liberal Democrats, Ed Davey, who said, “They are divisive, unworkable and expensive”. Despite Zahawi’s claim that passports will help the hospitality industry, the Night Time Industries Association criticized the move, saying it could “cripple the industry”.

Here’s the deal:

Vaccine passports may reduce Covid cases slightly, but in reality, they’re cutting off a large proportion of the population from enjoying large events and contributing to the hospitality economy.

Lockdown has already negatively affected the mental health of the population, depriving a portion of people from enjoying large social gatherings will only worsen the mental health pandemic.

Furthermore, as correctly pointed out by Ed Davey, they are highly divisive because they are dividing the UK population into two segments: one that is allowed to participate in the economy and the other who is not – all based on a decision about your own body.

That’s not all…

The COVID-19 vaccine will also be made mandatory for all NHS health workers. The UK government says that making vaccines compulsory for employment in healthcare will curtail Covid infections in hospitals and GP surgeries.

So essentially, if you’re a nurse or a doctor and choose not to have the vaccine, then you will soon be unemployed!

Unison, the largest trade union in the UK, called it a “draconian policy” and said ministers are “sleepwalking into a disaster”. They made it clear that the “no jab, no job” requirement in the care industry must be ditched in order to avert a staffing crisis.

The NHS is already short-staffed, and some figures indicate that as many as 1 in 4 NHS workers have chosen not to have the vaccine. Essentially, we could be looking at a 25% reduction in healthcare workers during a global pandemic!

It doesn’t stop there…

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunization (JCVI) decided against pushing vaccines for younger teens because of the low risk COVID-19 presents to that age bracket. However, UK chief medical officers will look to overrule that decision!

Vaccines minister Zahawi, said coronavirus vaccines will likely be offered to 12- to 15-year-olds this week. The reason for going against the expert advice is because although the vaccine will provide little health benefit for young teens, they are an age group that transmits Covid.

Nevertheless, it’s widely believed that vaccination doesn’t necessarily stop a person from infecting others – it simply reduces the likelihood of developing serious symptoms.

Parents will usually be asked to give consent for younger teens to take the vaccine but healthy 12- to 15-year-olds can even override their parent’s decision if doctors deem them as “competent”.

These are big jaw-dropping moves from the vaccines minister and the UK government that are being heavily criticized. Whether they will increase vaccine uptake is debatable, many believe that moves like this will push people further against vaccination.

Think about it, if you already don’t want the vaccine, will the government pressuring you to take it change your mind? 

Only time will tell if these heavy-handed policies work but other countries should watch the UK carefully to see how this unfolds.

If it doesn’t increase vaccination uptake, it begs the question, what will come next?

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HORRIFIC: Walgreens Accidentally Gave CHILDREN Covid Vaccine Instead of Flu Jab

Walgreens gives children Covid vaccine

FACT-CHECK GUARANTEE (References): [Straight from the source: 2 sources] 

15 October 2021 | By Richard Ahern – Parents in Indiana have claimed that Walgreens gave their young children Covid shots instead of flu jabs.

The COVID-19 vaccine is not approved for children under 12.

Alexandria and Joshua Price said they went into the Walgreens on St. Joseph Avenue on October 4th. They went to have themselves and their children, aged only five and four years old, the standard flu vaccine but later found out they had all been given the Pfizer Covid jab!

They left the pharmacy thinking they had received the flu vaccine, but a Walgreens employee called them up later saying there had been a mix-up!

“Walgreens called me to say there was a mix-up, we did not receive the flu shot,” said Alexandra. “And I’m like well what did we get? And he was like we got the Covid-19 shot, and instantly I was like, well what does this mean for my kids…?”

The children had a bad reaction…

The children have been taken to a cardiologist and were told both are experiencing heart issues.

The boy was experiencing tachycardia, where the heart is beating too fast, and the girl was suffering from high blood pressure. “Her blood pressure is in the 98th percentile and she continues to have no energy”, the mother explained.

Both children are suffering from a fever, persistent cough, headaches, and chest pain.

Walgreens responded, but gave little information…

A Walgreen’s spokeswoman issued a statement but due to privacy laws, they could not comment on this specific case. However, they did say “In the event of any error, our first concern is always our patients’ well-being. Our multi-step vaccination procedure includes several safety checks to minimize the chance of human error, and we have reviewed this process with our pharmacy staff in order to prevent such occurrences”.

Walgreens did not comment on how this mix-up could have occurred.

The parents requested that Walgreens give them proof of vaccination cards for the children, but the company was hesitant and initially told them to contact the legal department. The mother said, “They wanted to get their legal department involved and did not want to give us those cards, so we got our own attorney”.

Walgreens eventually gave the parents the vaccination cards which showed the children had been given adult doses of the Pfizer Covid vaccine.

This is shocking:

The Pfizer vaccine is not approved for under 12s, Pfizer is seeking approval for children between ages 5 and 11, but the dosage would be one-third of the adult dose.

These children, aged 5 and 4, and have been given an adult dosage of the Covid vaccine, which has never been clinically tested on children this young.

The parents had also been given an extra dose of the Covid vaccine by mistake and are experiencing side effects including high blood pressure, fever, and chest pain.

The children are being monitored by doctors and the family may be filing a lawsuit.

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OMICRON: The Uncensored TRUTH About the New COVID-19 Variant

Omicron Covid variant

FACT-CHECK GUARANTEE (References): [Academic journal: 1 source] [ Medical authority: 1 source] [Straight from the source: 4 sources]

30 November 2021 | By Richard Ahern – The world is talking, or rather, panicking, about the new COVID-19 variant called Omicron, also known as B.1.1.529. 

The Omicron variant was reported to the World Health Organization (WHO) from South Africa on the 24th of November 2021, and reports indicate it was first detected in Botswana earlier in the month.

The name Omicron comes from the Greek alphabet, like the other variants such as Alpha and Delta. However, the WHO decided to skip the two Greek letters Nu and Xi, and jump straight to Omicron. The WHO said that Nu could have been easily confused with the word “new” and Xi wasn’t appropriate because it is a common name — likely because of the connection to the President of China, Xi Jinping.

So, what’s the big deal with the Omicron variant?

What’s concerning about this variant is that it has a large number of mutations on the spike protein: the part of the virus that monoclonal and vaccine-induced antibodies have to recognize. Omicron is the most mutated form of COVID-19 discovered thus far, with an alarming 32 mutations on the spike protein.

Authorities are concerned that the high number of mutations on the spike protein will allow the virus to evade vaccines.

Are scientists worried?

Some scientists have described this variant as “horrific”, but honestly very little information is known, and much of the “panic” is purely speculation. Scientists are racing to find out exactly how this variant may spread and how it responds to known treatments.

It will likely take several weeks for scientists to get any definitive answers. 

Therefore it is wise to take any Doomsday media stories with a grain of salt. For example, Dr. Fauci recently did an interview where he appeared concerned about the variant but used the opportunity to encourage Americans to get vaccinated and get booster shots. Despite him admitting that the high number of mutations on the spike protein may render vaccines ineffective.

We heard a similar narrative from President Joe Biden, saying that because of this new variant, we must “make sure people understand you have to get your vaccine, you have to get the shot, you have to get the booster”.

Is Omicron more deadly? 

Because of the mutations on the spike protein, scientists predict that Omicron may spread quicker and evade vaccines.

But here’s the kicker:

The doctor who raised the alarm about this new variant in South Africa, Dr. Angelique Coetzee, has said that the patients she has seen so far have had “extremely mild symptoms” that were quite different from the Delta variant.

The most common symptoms observed are extreme fatigue, body aches, and headache. “We have seen a lot of Delta patients during the third wave, and this doesn’t fit in the clinical picture,” Dr. Coetzee explained.

She said that “most of them are seeing very, very mild symptoms, and none of them so far have admitted patients to surgeries. We have been able to treat these patients conservatively at home.”

Granted, her experience is with patients aged 40 or younger, but the evidence so far suggests the symptoms of Omicron are not particularly concerning.

The media were quick to try and twist the story to fit their agenda: Reuters reported that “almost half of the patients with Omicron symptoms that she treated were not vaccinated.”

Let’s unpack that…

In other words, over half of the patients with Omicron symptoms were vaccinated!

Where has Omicron been detected? 

South Africa is the leading country with the most cases; it has also been detected in several European countries, including the United Kingdom, and has shown up in Canada and Hong Kong. No cases have been detected in the United States thus far.

The bottom line:

We have a Covid variant that could be more contagious and evade vaccines, but one that appears to have milder symptoms compared to other variants we’re currently aware of.

Cause for panic?

No! Enjoy the holidays and decide for yourself what is best for your health and body. We’ll keep you updated with the facts about Omicron as we learn more.

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“DELTACRON”? This is Why You SHOULDN’T Panic

Deltacron Covid variant

FACT-CHECK GUARANTEE (References): [Straight from the source: 2 sources] [Official statistic: 1 source] [Academic journal: 1 source]

10 January 2022 | By Richard AhernScientists in Cyprus have discovered a new Covid strain that is allegedly a combination of the Delta and Omicron variants.

The Delta and Omicron strains are highly virulent and are responsible for the recent spike in infections.

A combination of those two variants sounds distressing…

Leondios Kostrikis, professor of biological sciences at the University of Cyprus, said that 25 cases have been identified so far, with 11 of those already being in hospital for Covid. He said, “There are currently Omicron and Delta co-infections and we found this strain that is a combination of these two”.

It is not yet known how infectious this hybrid variant is or how severe the symptoms are.

Omicron was recently discovered in South Africa and has been responsible for the spike in infections over the Christmas period.

However, the doctor who discovered it said the symptoms are “extremely mild”.

The Delta variant appears to be more lethal than Omicron and was responsible for many deaths in the United States during 2021.

Despite a large proportion of the population being vaccinated, more people died in the United States (over 450,000) during 2021 than in 2020. The Delta variant was largely responsible for those deaths.

So, a combination of the Delta variant, which is more lethal, and the Omicron variant, which is more contagious sounds bone-chilling right?

Not quite. Here’s why:

Mutations in viruses are completely random, they are not intelligent decisions made by a virus. Enormous numbers of mutations happen every day with Covid, the only reason one variant starts to spread is that it essentially got “lucky” and won the virus lottery.

The variant that develops a mutation that helps the virus survive and spread will become more prominent in the population.

So, for “Deltacron” to be a dangerous variant it would have to have mutations that combine the parts of Delta that make it more deadly and the parts of Omicron that make it more contagious.

The odds of that happening purely by chance are very, very small. We’re likely talking about a one in a million chance or greater. Conversely, there’s an equally likely chance that “Deltacron” could be as contagious as Delta and as lethal as Omicron.

Unsurprisingly, it appears much of the hype about this hybrid variant has been greatly over-exaggerated by the mainstream media.

Some scientists have also speculated that “Deltacron” may simply be a lab error due to contamination, however, Cypriot scientist Kostrikis insists this is not the case.

Here’s the bottom line:

Mutations are common and completely random. With only 25 cases of “Deltacron” so far, there’s no cause for alarm quite yet.

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