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‘Misogyny’: Liberals REACT To Pictures Of Ukrainian Soldiers Wearing High Heels

Ukrainian soldiers wearing high heels

03 July 2021 | By Richard Ahern – Pictures emerge from Ukraine that shows female soldiers marching in high heels during a military parade rehearsal. 

Ukrainian defense ministers were accused of making a ‘mockery’ of women. The pictures emerged from a rehearsal for a military parade taking place in August.

The parade is celebrating 30 years of independence for Ukraine following the break-up of the Soviet Union. 

“Today we are training in high heels for the first time. It is a little more difficult than in combat boots but we are doing our best,” said one of the female soldiers taking part. 

Here are the highlights:

Left-wing Ukrainian lawmakers called for defense minister Andriy Taran, to wear heels himself to the military parade. While other lawmakers took pairs of shoes into parliament as a way of protesting. 

One lawmaker said that forcing women soldiers to wear heels reinforces “stereotypes of the role of the woman as a pretty doll”. 

Other critics called the defense ministry “sexist and misogynistic” and that high heels are a mockery of women imposed by the beauty industry. 

Twitter reacted too:

One Twitter user, called ‘VaccinesForAll’ (what a surprise) tweeted out, “They need combat gear, not high heels…”. 

As it turns out…

You don’t need combat gear for a parade! If you’re going to war, then yes you need combat gear, but these women were only made to wear heels for rehearsing a parade. 

The soldier taking part clearly said that this is their first time training in heels, so it’s not a regular occurrence. As usual, the left is overreacting. 

Considering the women were still wearing army uniforms and not dresses, it’s unlikely this is anything to do with beauty standards. 

The most likely explanation is that because the heels make the women taller, it makes them appear more menacing. 

Here’s the deal: 

Military parades are partly about showcasing your army to the world, including potential enemies. 

The objective is to make your soldiers look as disciplined and strong as possible, making the women look taller will do that because it creates a larger-than-life appearance.

Clearly, no one has thought about that. 

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3 HAIR-RAISING Events: North Korea Capable of NUCLEAR Weapons?

North Korea missile

FACT-CHECK GUARANTEE (References): [Official report: 1 source] [Government website: 1 source] [High-authority and trusted websites: 2 sources]  

15 September 2021 | By Richard Ahern – North Korea just fired two ballistic missiles across its east coast towards the Sea of Japan. Along with two other recent developments, we have a very distressing situation.

It comes just days after North Korea launched a new long-range cruise missile that was capable of hitting much of Japan which they called “a strategic weapon of great significance”.

It also comes after Kim Jong-un’s first public appearance in some time at a celebration of the nation’s 73rd anniversary last week. It shocked the world as pictures emerged of him looking much thinner after a reported 20kg weight loss. The North Korea leader did not speak at the parade but was seen kissing children and giving a thumbs up to the performers. 

Bad news…

The launch of ballistic missiles has raised alarms because they are capable of carrying more powerful payloads, with a longer range, and faster speeds than cruise missiles. 

Both cruise and ballistic missiles are capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, but ballistic missiles can generally carry a larger payload. 

The UN Security Council does not forbid the testing of cruise missiles, but it considers ballistic missiles to be much more threatening. By the launching of these two ballistic missiles North Korea is in direct breach of the UN-imposed resolutions. 

Here’s the deal:

The essential difference between the two missiles is that a ballistic missile follows an arc-shaped path and once its fuel has been used up the direction of the missile is carried by gravity and cannot be altered. 

Cruise missiles are self-propelled for a majority of their flight with their path of travel more like a straight line and the trajectory can be altered at the last minute if necessary. 

Ballistic missiles are classified by the maximum distance they can travel, with the furthest being the intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM). In the past, North Korea has tested ICBMs which are capable of hitting about half of the United States, all of Japan, and much of Europe. 

This shows that despite North Korea’s severe economic crisis, they have still focused on developing their weapons program. North Korea is facing food shortages as it cut off trade with China to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Despite the North Korea population essentially starving, it has still managed to divert funding into its weapons program. 

Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga called the launch of these missiles “outrageous” but the US said these tests do not pose an immediate threat to “US personnel or territory, or to our allies”.

“It begs the question, that perhaps Kim Jong-un feels the US is a weaker adversary with Biden in charge.”

South Korea gave a more explicit response…

Although pre-planned, only hours later South Korea showed off its military prowess by launching its first submarine-launched ballistic missile. The underwater launch of the ballistic missile “accurately hit the target” making South Korea only the seventh country in the world to develop this advanced military technology. 

South Korea’s president Moon Jae-in reportedly attended the underwater launch in person on the new 3,000-tonne Dosan Ahn Changho-class submarine. This also makes South Korea the first country without nuclear weapons to have this capability. 

The system is expected to play a key role in defending against the worrying threat of North Korea’s nuclear capability.  

South Korea and Japan are said to be holding national security council meetings about the recent North Korea missile test.

These developments of cruise and ballistic missiles from North Korea are extremely concerning, however, the absolute worst scenario would be if North Korea had the capability to arm these missiles with nuclear warheads. 

Unfortunately, that could be a reality…

Last month the UN atomic agency said that North Korea appeared to have restarted a nuclear reactor that could be capable of producing plutonium for nuclear weapons. 

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) has no access to North Korea since the country expelled its inspectors but now monitors North Korea from afar using satellite imagery. 

The IAEA said that since July 2021, there have been indications that the 5-megawatt reactor at Yongbyon has been restarted. They found that the reactor appears to be discharging cooling water which indicates it is now operational. This is the first sign of the reactor being in operation since December 2018.

The IAEA was also worried by signs of reprocessing work being done at a radiochemical laboratory at Yongbyon to separate plutonium from spent reactor fuel. 

The report suggested the duration of the apparent work, being 5 months, suggested that a full batch of spent fuel was handled.

Plutonium can be recovered from reprocessing normal reactor fuel which can then be used in nuclear weapons. 

Here’s the bottom line:

The timing of the North Korea missile tests along with the reactivation of the nuclear processing plant in July is extremely distressing. Until now, North Korea has remained relatively quiet, it begs the question, that perhaps Kim Jong-un feels the US is a weaker adversary with Biden in charge. 

It could mean that it’s only a matter of time until North Korea has nuclear warheads with capabilities of reaching the US and Europe.  

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Going NUCLEAR: US, UK and Australia Take On China

AUKUS pact

FACT-CHECK GUARANTEE (References): [Government websites: 2 sources] [Straight from the source: 1 source]  

16 September 2021 | By Richard Ahern – The US, UK, and Australia have announced a special security pact to share defense technology and enable Australia to build nuclear-powered submarines for the first time. 

The move is speculated to be in response to worries about China’s growing military presence in the Indo-Pacific. Despite not naming any country in particular, the United Kingdom prime minister Boris Johnson said, “This partnership will become increasingly vital for defending our interests in the Indo-Pacific region and, by extension, protecting our people back at home”.

An ambitious plan…

The pact, named AUKUS, will see the three countries work together on defense technologies such as cyber capabilities, artificial intelligence, and “additional undersea capabilities”.

The first initiative is a shared ambition to support Australia in acquiring nuclear-powered submarines, which has resulted in the scrapping of a previous defense contract the country had with France.

Biden referred to the pact as a “historic step” as it’s the first time the US has shared nuclear propulsion technology with an ally since the US-UK Mutual Defence Agreement in 1958. 

UK government statement read, “The UK has built and operated world-class nuclear-powered submarines for over 60 years. We will therefore bring deep expertise and experience to the project through, for example, the work carried out by Rolls Royce near Derby and BAE Systems in Barrow.”

Australia’s new subs will be faster, stealthier, and more survivable by augmenting American and British defense technology. 

This comes on the same day it was reported that North Korea had launched two ballistic missile tests towards the Sea of Japan, sparking worries of North Korea’s nuclear capability

The world reacted…

New Zealand’s nuclear-free policy means that the new submarines will be banned from entering their waters and Jacinda Ardern reiterated that by saying, “New Zealand’s position in relation to the prohibition of nuclear-powered vessels in our waters remains unchanged”.

China responded with spokesperson Liu Pengyu telling Reuters that the countries “should not build exclusionary blocs targeting or harming the interests of third parties. In particular, they should shake off their Cold War mentality and ideological prejudice.”

Undoubtedly the announcement has shaken the world, with some countries happier than others about the alliance. 

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CHINA: World War 3 Could Be MOMENTS Away

World War 3 China Taiwan

FACT-CHECK GUARANTEE (References): [Straight from the source: 1 source] [High-authority and trusted website: 1 source] 

07 October 2021 | By Richard Ahern – China says that WWIII could be triggered “at any time” according to their state-backed newspaper.

In a threatening move, China has flown huge numbers of warplanes into Taiwan’s airspace in the last few days. Some of these warplanes have nuclear capabilities.

Relations are at a critical boiling point:

Tensions between China and Taiwan are at an all-time high with Taiwan’s defense minister saying the two nations are at their worst in 40 years.

President Tsai of Taiwan said that the small island will “do whatever it takes to defend itself”. The foreign minister Joseph Wu added that “If China is going to launch a war against Taiwan, we will fight to the end, and that is our commitment”.

The White House called China’s recent moves risky and destabilizing but it’s been reported that China is ready to back an all-out war with the United States and its allies if they defend Taiwan.

Taiwan broke away from mainland China in 1949 as communists seized power and recent moves suggest the island could be close to formally declaring independence.

China claims that the self-ruled island is part of its own territory and opposes any international engagement.

China says that Taiwan will be taken by force if necessary.

If that’s not bad enough…

Along with concerns of war, the dire situation could result in economic consequences across the globe. Taiwan is a significant player in the semiconductor industry, with huge tech companies like Apple and Nvidia outsourcing their semiconductor manufacturing to the Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.

Further disruption in the area could cripple the already flagging semiconductor industry, bringing the supply of critical technology to a screeching halt.  

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Vaccine MANDATES: These 4 Countries Could Reveal a CHILLING Future

Vaccine mandates countries

FACT-CHECK GUARANTEE (References): [Official court documents: 1 source] [Official statistics: 1 source] [Straight from the source: 3 sources] [High-authority and trusted website: 1 source] 

05 December 2021 | By Richard Ahern – The unthinkable is becoming reality. Could these 4 countries give us a window into a chilling future without freedom?

Vaccine mandates seemed crazy a year ago, but some countries are demonstrating that mandates are coming. 

Biden tried…

In the US, Biden’s vaccine mandate for businesses received strong pushback with a federal appeals court ordering the mandate to pause pending review. The proposed mandate was to have businesses with 100 or more employees have their staff vaccinated by January 4th or submit weekly Covid tests to stay at work. 

However, the mandate was hammered by a US court with a judge saying the requirements are “fatally flawed” and raise “serious constitutional concerns”.

However, across the pond, we are seeing an entirely different story play out, a story that may chill you to the bone. 

In European countries, mandating companies or certain workers to be vaccinated seems commonplace, but some countries look to take it up a notch and implement vaccine mandates for all adults.

The European Commission chief Ursula von der Leyen said it was time for countries to “think about mandatory vaccination” as fears of the Omicron variant grow. 

So, which countries are mandating with an iron fist? 

Let’s take a look…


Austria is one of the strictest countries when it comes to vaccine mandates. 

The Chancellor, Alexander Schallenberg, announced that from February all permanent residents of Austria will be mandated by law to take the COVID-19 vaccine. 

Anyone who refuses to comply will be summoned to the district administration authorities. Ignoring the summons twice will result in a €3,600 ($4,074) fine. If they continue to ignore the order or put others at “serious risk” by not being vaccinated, they will be fined up to €7,200 ($8,148)! 

It remains unclear how they will enforce the mandate considering around 35% of the Austrian population are unvaccinated. One proposal indicates that anyone who cannot prove vaccination will receive a fine every six months.

The populist FPÖ party leader Herbert Kickl strongly criticized the law saying, “Austria is a dictatorship from this day on”.


Greece has also taken a similar approach…

The Greek government announced that there will be a monthly fine for all citizens over the age of 60 who refuse the vaccine. 

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis said there were roughly 580,000 Greek citizens aged over 60 who were not yet vaccinated and this demographic appears to be the majority of COVID-19 patients in intensive care. 

The PM announced that by mid-January, all citizens of that age group should be able to prove they have had the vaccine or have an appointment to get one. 

If they don’t comply, they will be fined €100 ($113) every month!


It’s not just Europe…

Moving over to Asia, Indonesia has taken the hard approach to mandates.

Indonesia made vaccines compulsory back in February. They’ve warned their citizens that anyone who refuses to be vaccinated could be denied social assistance and government services or face a fine. 

But it hasn’t worked…

Despite implementing the law in February this year, only 36% of the Indonesian population are fully vaccinated, as of December 2021. 

Germany (getting close)

Germany is debating a fully-fledged mandate…

The incoming chancellor, Olaf Scholz, has announced he will be submitting a proposal for a vaccine mandate to parliament. The health minister pushed back though saying that he would vote against any vaccination mandate. 

Supporting the mandate was outgoing chancellor Angela Merkel, who said she would back mandates explaining, “Given the situation, I think it is appropriate to adopt compulsory vaccination.”

She said Germany’s ethics council would give formal guidance on the mandate, and parliament would vote on the legislation by the end of the year. 

If approved, the law will come into force in February 2022.

Will more countries follow suit?

The above countries have resorted to extreme measures to battle Covid, at the expense of people’s freedom, but still many European countries haven’t gone quite so far. For example, in the United Kingdom and France, health workers are set to be mandated but not the whole adult population. 

In other areas of Europe, such as the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, and Romania, people need proof of double vaccination to enter social venues such as clubs, cafes, and museums but haven’t resorted to full mandates.

However, countries like Austria and Greece are demonstrating that vaccine mandates are becoming a reality in western democracies. 

To put it in perspective:

It’s important to highlight that even the authoritarian government of China has not imposed vaccine mandates!

The countries that have crossed the mandate line give us a glimpse of what could happen in the United States and other countries, and remind us that freedom of choice is not something we should take for granted any longer.

Here’s the bottom line:

The tell-tale sign will soon be revealed as to whether vaccine mandates will work or do the opposite, or cause something even more catastrophic. 

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