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Boris Johnson BETRAYS Conservatives at First Meeting with Biden

Boris Johnson betrays conservatives

11 June 2021 | By Richard Ahern – Boris Johnson figuratively gives Trump the middle finger by claiming the new US President is a ‘breathe of fresh air’ after their first in-person meeting. 

Ahead of the G7 summit, Joe Biden and Boris Johnson met in Cornwall, UK. Biden reaffirmed his commitment to the UK-US ‘special relationship’ and Johnson said he will not disagree with Biden on anything.

The two leaders also agreed a deal named the Atlantic Charter, which pledges the two countries to work together on tackling global issues. They resolved to take this further by expanding a UK-US free trade deal to create new jobs and new opportunities for both countries in the future.

Johnson seemed keen to play down any differences with the Biden administration saying that ‘it’s wonderful to listen to the Biden administration, and to Joe Biden…’ and that there is so much that they want to work together on. Johnson ended his statement by saying that the Biden administration is a ‘breath of fresh air’.

Here’s the deal: 

This further reaffirms Boris Johnson’s apparent dissent from conservative values by effectively saying he is glad to see the back of the Trump administration. Trump always supported Johnson, particularly on Brexit, indeed he was one of the only global leaders to do so.

However, it appears Johnson is happy to see Trump gone and is keen on having a good relationship with the left-wing Biden administration.  

It’s sad to see but not wholly unexpected; Johnson seemed unsupportive of Trump when questions of election fraud were being raised and was quick to congratulate Biden on his election victory, despite Trump raising numerous concerns about voting irregularities. 

Johnson is also unusual for a conservative politician in that he is a strong supporter of tackling climate change, being very keen on working with Biden on climate issues and green energy.

Perhaps Johnson is hoping that supporting more left-wing ideas will gather him voters who would usually vote Labour, however, it’s a risky strategy that could simply lose him a portion of his conservative base who support Trump.

Here’s the bottom line:

The Biden administration is undoubtedly one of the most left-wing administrations of our time and for Johnson to show such unwavering support for Biden will be extremely disappointing for UK conservative voters. 

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Biden Just CROSSED The Human Rights Line

Biden vaccine mandates

FACT-CHECK GUARANTEE (References): [Government website: 1 source] [Straight from the source: 1 source] 

10 September 2021 | By Richard Ahern – Biden has crossed the line we all knew he would, but hoped he wouldn’t: vaccine mandates for over 100 million Americans.  

Biden’s message to unvaccinated Americans was simple, “our patience is wearing thin” he said this Thursday and said that their refusal to take the vaccine “has cost all of us”.

“This is not about freedom…” he said. 

That’s about the most honest part of the speech, it’s not about freedom because Joe Biden is taking the freedom of your own body away. 

He unveiled his six-point Covid plan, which includes vaccine mandates for all federal workers and an emergency standard from the Department of Labor that will require all businesses with 100 or more employees to ensure their workers are vaccinated or tested weekly. 

This will affect around 80 million Americans working in the private sector. Companies that do not comply with these rules will face fines of up $14,000 per violation. 

Biden also signed executive orders mandating vaccines for all federal workers and employees of contractors who work for the federal government. 

The plan also involves mandating vaccines for 17 million health care workers at Medicare and Medicaid participating hospitals. 

Here’s the deal:

This will undoubtedly be putting Americans in an unfair dilemma: to be forced to put a drug in their body they don’t want or lose their job and livelihood. Biden made it clear that this will affect a huge proportion of Americans saying, “Today, in total, the vaccine requirements in my plan will affect about 100 million Americans, two-thirds of all workers.”

Biden was firm, if not angry towards unvaccinated Americans, essentially blaming them for the pandemic. He made it crystal clear that choosing to be unvaccinated will cost you dearly and that there is no excuse not to take the “free, safe, and convenient” injection.  

“What more is there to wait for?”, Biden asked unvaccinated Americans…

They’re probably waiting for you to be impeached for human rights violations, Joe. 

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